Stories Unite Us

The sasquatch: a legendary creature that could be lurking anywhere in the dense woods of California. The yeti: a mythical snow monster that could be lurking anywhere in the snowy heights of the Himalayas. Are these two very strange and very similar stories true? I don’t know, but people sure as heck like to team up and try and find out.

There seem to be a lot of Bigfoot enthusiasts out there, and while I’m not one of them, I do find the weird, strange, unexplainable phenomena like Bigfoot interesting. The unknown is weird, and I love trying to explore it and figure out what’s really going on. One of the strange phenomena that I have encountered, however, is the way stories unite us.

There are two very similar stories on opposite sides of the world: Bigfoot and the yeti. It’s so strange that two very different cultures can have two extraordinarily similar legends. It’s practically begging for the attention of skeptics and conspiracy theorists. Many different people around the world have come together on internet forums to figure out once and for all whether or not Bigfoot is real. Scientists have come up with evidence for or against Bigfoot that the community discusses. It is honestly kinda fun. I love that the legend of a creature that could probably end up being completely fake has brought so many people together, and other stories can be the same way. Especially when it comes to cult films.

Now, when I say cult films, those that haven’t heard the term before might be very confused and, potentially, very concerned. But worry not, my friends. I’m not talking about movies about cults. I’m talking about movies that have a small group of fans who are devoted to the film, like a cult is devoted to whatever they worship or something. (I don’t know how a cult works. I’ve never been a part of one.) But cult films are typically films that most people generally think are ok or generally think are bad, but their fans think are fantastic. An example of this would be “Tron.”

Most people think that both films are pretty bad, and quite frankly, I do think that the first “Tron” is bad, yes; and the second one isn’t fantastic either. But both films are unique, and I haven’t seen any other movies or books do quite what “Tron” did regarding sci-fi concepts. Granted, the concepts in the movies aren’t exactly original, but they aren’t explored in any other story I’ve seen or read like they are in “Tron.” The movies focus on what it would be like for someone to enter the world of a computer. It’s interesting, and I think the first film captures it very well. It gives you that feeling of being inside a computer world. I enjoy both movies, even though most people don’t. However, when I find someone else that enjoys them as well, we’re able to talk about it passionately and connect instantly. We begin talking like we’ve known each other for years even if we met less than an hour ago.

For instance, the other day, I was at Barnes and Noble when I overheard the cashier talking to two girls in front of me. Apparently, they were buying the “Lord of the Rings” books for the first time. When it was my turn to check out, I asked the cashier about it, and he said that was indeed what had happened. We began getting into a discussion about “Lord of the Rings” and the new show coming to Amazon soon, and it was like we had known each other before and were already close friends. First of all, shout out to that employee for being amazing. Second, that’s the power of connecting through story.

I hope that I can bring others together through my stories the same way people are brought together through other authors’ and filmmakers’ stories. I love seeing the communities that fiction creates. It really is a beautiful and wonderful thing. I love stories, and I hope to make you guys happy with the ones I write. Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day.

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