My parents found someone renting their vacation home in the woods and off the beaten path. It was a tiny, fun place with various activities, such as darts, board games, horseshoes, and cornhole. It was far away from everything, and it was tranquil. At night, as I lay in bed in the dark, having finished my audiobook, I heard nothing but insects and the wind rushing through the trees as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
This was a much-needed getaway. The minute we finished getting our things into the cabin, I sank into the recliner and let my mind go blank. For the first time in a very long time, my thoughts stopped. My mind was at rest. I might have been sleeping. Everything was quiet, and I was at peace.
After starting this blog and trying to get my novel written, I was always busy. One task led to another, which led to another. I never stopped doing things. My mind was also constantly fought over by corporations. Instagram wanted my attention. Now YouTube. Now Nintendo. I was never at rest, even when I was resting. Then, after school and writing had ended, I had work. Then I would come home and spend time with my family, which can sometimes be exhausting. Then I would go to sleep, wake up at an ungodly hour to swim, and repeat the cycle.
I needed a vacation.
This trip was everything I could have asked for. I did a lot of reading. I finished the audiobook I was listening to and finished the paperback I was rereading. I played casual games with my family. I did some work on my novel, but it didn’t feel rushed. I had a goal I wanted to meet, sure. But I was ok when I didn’t quite reach that goal. I wrote, and that’s what matters. It was relaxed and enjoyable.
Being surrounded by nature was helpful. It was quiet. There weren’t any cars or the sound of a restless neighborhood. I didn’t need to pop in my earbuds and listen to music while I wrote because my mind was already focused. I didn’t need anything to put my mind on the page. It was already there.
Take a break if you think you aren’t making any progress on your WIP or are stressed and ready to call it quits. Find something else to do for a while. Or, if you would rather, don’t do anything at all. Slow down. Life is a race, but it is a race of perseverance.
Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day.
So happy you found time to revel in nature. No wonder God began mankind in a garden.
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