I thought “Rings of Power” was only ok at first. It wasn’t anything special, and it certainly didn’t adapt Tolkien’s work very closely, often straying from the lore to tell …
The Necessity of Heroes
From the first recorded story, we’ve been dreaming of larger-than-life heroes who conquer evil and help the helpless. From Gilgamesh to Achilles. From Thor to Odin. From Robin Hood to …
Andor: Episode 4 Review
I cannot wait to see the rest of this show. It is incredible how Disney began making “Star Wars” content, and everyone said that they were ruining the franchise, only …
How to Write a Murder Mystery (Part 7)
So far in this series, we’ve discussed how to create your characters and setting and hide evidence from your readers while establishing its presence in the story. Now, we’re going …
Knowing When to Start Over
Hey guys! So, today I thought I would take a break from my murder mystery writing series and give a quick update on my current projects. Progress on my novel …
Rings of Power: Episode 5: Where Was This?
Why haven’t the other episodes of this show been like this? Writer Justin Doble is going places. This episode has much more character development, action, and thematic storytelling than any …
How to Write a Murder Mystery (Part 6)
The crime scene is an essential part of your murder mystery. It not only shows what the protagonist will be investigating but can also help develop either your protagonist or …
Star Wars: Andor | Review (Episodes 1-3)
“Andor” was released last night, and this show wowed me. I was not very excited about this show leading up to its release. I was looking forward to it, mostly …
How to Write a Murder Mystery (Part 5)
Worldbuilding is fun. From forging massive galaxies with infinite possibilities to creating a small town off the beaten path. It’s always a great time and helps to exercise one’s imagination. …
How to Write a Murder Mystery (Part 4)
We’ve gone over how to hide evidence, we’ve gone over how to create a good protagonist and a good antagonist. Now we will discuss how to create the rest of …