If you avid readers of my blog (yes, both of you) hadn’t noticed, I haven’t been writing once a week as I promised on my Instagram page. What happened? By …
David Ludlum: Empty | Writing the First Draft
I recently finished writing the first draft of my newest science fiction novel, and it has been quite a journey so far. I have learned a lot about writing, and …
Mirror, Mirror | A Short Story
You can read my newest short story on Reedsy by following this link! I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think! https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/nqhfm5/
How to Write Great Characters (Avatar: The Way of Water)
“Avatar: The Way of Water” was, well, an “Avatar” sequel. It was more about the spectacle, the effects, and the world that James Cameron invented rather than the story and …
The Fabelmans: Write Your Story
“The Fabelmans” was a fantastic movie. It was an autobiopic about the early life of Steven Spielberg, showcasing the choice he made between art and family and the purpose of …
When Writers Should Take Breaks
Writing takes a lot of energy. It may seem easy to non-writers. We’re only typing words onto pages, right? Anyone can do that. Yes, you are right. Anyone can do …
Pointing Fingers
Humans have been shifting blame since the beginning of time. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. No one likes to take the blame. What would be the point? …
Writing is Servitude
In 2020, I attended an online writer’s conference held by Houston Baptist University. It was fascinating; they had different breakrooms where we could enter and attend different classes. We could …
Willow: Episodes 1 & 2 Review
(Episode one bad, episode two good. Bad guys are epic. Feels like a YA romance fanfic. What the heck are the songs during the credits?) I love the “Willow” movie. …
Stop Reading, Start Writing (NaNoWriMo 2022)
This was a bit of a weird month for me. I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year but didn’t go into it with a plan. I decided I would …